Myomectomy Treatment Cost in Kolkata

Myomectomy treatment cost in Kolkata 2018
Myomectomy treatment cost in Kolkata 2018

Myomectomy – Know the meaning of Myomectomy in detail

  • Myomectomy is the surgical procedure for removing fibroids (which is in round shape) at the uterus. Fibroid means the non cancerous substance present outside the uterus.
  • The best surgical procedure for those women who want to conceive but are not able to conceive because of fibroids symptoms present inside the woman’s body at the uterus.
  • Through this kind of Surgery the chances of pregnancy increases but the surgery cannot guarantee to this for the successful pregnancy.

The main 3 types of Myomectomy are:-

  • Laparoscopic Myomectomy
  • Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
  • Laparotomy or Abdominal Myomectomy
  • Also another name for Myomectomy is Fibroidectomy.

Symptoms for doing Myomectomy are:-

  • Myomectomy should be recommended when the patient feels pain and pressure which is not ease down even after taking medicines.
  • Growth of fibroids at the uterus wall which leads to repeated miscarriages and also increases the infertility problems is the main concern to be resolved through this technique to be done for curing infertility treatments.

Procedure in detail to be explained for Myomectomy techniques

Pre procedure – what to do?

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects, regularly exercises and stairs to be lifted up and down.
  • Avoid using tampons and sexual intercourse.
  • Prior to surgery don’t eat anything for about 8 to 10 hours.

During the procedure – what to do?

  • The experts should decide the techniques for the procedure based on size, number and locations of the fibroids.
  • Techniques must be performed under the general and spinal anesthesia.

Post procedure – what to do?

  • In case of abdominal fibroidectomy, patient should take rest for 2 to 3 days after the surgery to be done patient must take rest at hospital but in case of other techniques patient should go home the same day.
  • Vaginal bleeding and spotting can be seen in most cases for few weeks after the surgery, basically the recovery period is for about 2 to 4 weeks but the patient can recover before that as it is totally depending on the technique used for the procedure.
  • The doctor will recommend not lifting heavy objects, driving and not to climb stairs or jumping etc. for about 3 to 5 weeks is the minimum time period after this surgery to be done.

Risk and complications related to this procedure

Although Myomectomy is the safe procedure but sometimes involve some risks and complications related to the surgical procedure in the Myomectomy techniques which must be the following one:-

  • Heavy loss of blood because of the heavy amount of bleeding during this process so in this case surgeons should recommend removing uterus.
  • There are some complications to be seen during the birth of the child.
  • Scar tissues sometimes seen by the experts during the procedure to be completed.

Myomectomy treatment cost in Kolkata – offering the best suitable prices for the treatment

Myomectomy cost in Kolkata is the treatment which offers the best alternative price from the whole country in the state called as Kolkata where there is the best class and outstanding treatments with minimum cost and also all the available treatments within minimum costing which offers the best treatment under minimum costing of about INR 170000 which must be affordable by all the couples who are interested to do the treatment within minimum costing can go for it in the state of Kolkata with outstanding treatments and in minimum reasonable pricing and costing fir the same kind of treatments which are considered for the same in the most desired and suitable price for the Myomectomy treatment cost in Kolkata.


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